Your Cabin continues to be popular with people locally and from all around the State and Nation. 118 visitors registered during the first 3 weeks of June 2015. There is not room to list all names and comments but all are positive in their appreciation to all who had a hand in restoring the Cabin.
I have posted on Facebook and will share here also that Old Glory and the Kansas flag fly each day at the Site. Marcus Allen raises the colors each morning before going to work at Landmark Implement and lowers them each night at dark. The US Flag and flag pole were donated by the local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
Senator Elaine Bowers and Dr. Paul Nelson, Concordia visited the Home on the Range Site on Thursday afternoon as they were heading home from attending the Rotary Club meeting in Phillipsburg. Sen. Bowers also visited with Mark McClain at the Peoples Bank, picking up the $4410 check to be hand delivered to Eric Nichol of the Kansas Department of Transportation.
Eric Nichol, KDOT Signing Engineer, is coordinating the design of the highway naming signs and informed us that nothing could be started until necessary funding was in his hands. The $4410, raised by the Michael Martin Murphey concert on June 14, funds the design, manufacture, installation and lifetime maintenance of the signs by KDOT.
Once the design of the signs has been approved and they have been manufactured we will have a ceremony at the HOR site to dedicate the signs which will then be installed by KDOT. We will be inviting many dignitaries, including Governor Brownback to participate in the dedication ceremonies. A date cannot be set at this time due to unknown time to manufacture the signs and everyone’s schedule.
I was asked the other day by someone who should have known the answer, “Why did you need a fund raiser for signs, I thought the Smith County CVB funded your signs”? The signs funded by the CVB, now being installed, have no relation to the official highway naming signs. The CVB signs are directional signs specific to the Cabin owned by the Foundation; the highway naming signs are specific to K-8 highway owned by KDOT. They are no way related to each other.
Sara and John Devine of Manhattan, Ks. visited the Site on Saturday, June 27. They are geo cachers who placed the original cache at the Site a year ago. The cache was a US Army 30 cal. ammunition box containing memorabilia from cachers who visit the cache taking something and leaving something. This original box was stolen by someone who entered the Site from the south, more likely than not out of state deer hunters entering from adjoining property. Sara and John will be replacing the stolen cache.
Kathy and I and all of Home on the Range salute Dennis Lambert who is preaching his retirement sermon at his beloved home church, Thornburg. Dennis is a man of his word and also a man of HIS word, his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Dennis preached the sermon of truth, saying all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and deserve eternal pain and suffering in Hell; he always preached then, with fervor, of the God who wanted no one to suffer and die so sent his Son to suffer and die for the sins of all mankind; this God also sent us His Holy Spirit to empower us to believe the sure and eternal promises of our God and Father. Dennis, may God continue to bless you as you have been blessed with a great family and have been a blessing to so many over the years of your ministry. Peace be with you.